
Macau City Gas Company Limited approved for "Public Service of Wholesale Supply of Natural Gas"

Time:2021-12-17        Number of visits:    【Font Size:Large Medium Small

On December 17, Macau City Gas Company Limited was approved by the Macau SAR government for "Public Service of Wholesale Supply of Natural Gas".

Macau City Gas is a company co-funded by Nam Kwong Natural Gas Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Great Wall Gas Investment Co., Ltd. It has inherited the assets of its predecessor and now provides integrated natural gas public services in Macau.

Macau City Gas will actively uphold the SAR government's vision of advancing the application of eco-friendly energy. We will devote ourselves to serving the people's livelihood, strive to be a promoter and practitioner of eco-friendly energy, ensure safe and stable energy supply in Macau, and provide more convenience for Macau citizens to live a better life.

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