An Announcement of Pipeline Laying Project in New Port Reclamation Area

In order to extend the natural gas pipeline network, Nam Kwong Natural Gas Company will carry out the construction project in the fourth quarter of this year and the first and second quarters of next year in the new port reclamation area. The coverage areas of this project include Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, Rua Cidade de Santarem and Alameda Dr.Carlos d’Assumpcao, Paris Street, Berlin Street, Nagasaki Street. During the construction period, it may cause inconvenience to citizens in the above-mentioned roads and the nearby areas. Nam Kwong Natural Gas Company has strengthened control measures and maintained close communication with relevant departments of the SAR government and project contractors to minimize the impact.  Our company will also post announcements on the buildings and stores within the affected areas. The public can be informed about the scope of the project and the project schedule by these announcements and make corresponding preparations for travel. Citizens’ understanding and coordination will be greatly appreciated.

 Cooperating with construction unit: Companhia de Electricidade de Macau(CEM)

planing 2020-10-15.pdf

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