
Seminar on Natural Gas Development and Application & Environmental Distributed Energy Feasibility Development in Macau

Time:2019-06-20        Number of visits:    【Font Size:Large Medium Small

On Jun 20, Nam Kwong Natural Gas held a seminar on distributed energy feasibility development in Macau with MPF, IES Engineering (Macau) Company, and CB Air conditioning in Macao Science Center.

Honorable guests from various departments including Liaison Office of Central People’s Government in Macau SAR, Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau(DSSOPT), Environmental Protection Burea (DSPA), Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), and from different associations including The Macau Institution of Engineers, The Macao Instution of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Macau Society of Civil and structural Engineers and China Green Building and Energy Saving (Macau) Association. Over 260 participants attended the event.

Nam Kwong Natural Gas, IES and Broad Air Conditioning shared the development of natural gas in Macau and successful cases of distributed energy - combined cooling, heating and power. At the end of the seminar, the speakers had a discussion on the feasibility of distributed energy in Macau. Distributed energy is a energy system set up at user terminal to increase power efficiency and ease pressure on the environment and grid.The seminar has a tremendous meaning over the deploration of natural gas uses in Macau and the energy security and stability under extreme weather.

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